Tuesday, January 13, 2009

January 13, 2009

Mommy and Daddy went to the doctor yesterday and it was very exciting! I heard the doctor tell them that everything looks great and they even heard my heartbeat. I wasn't hiding this time and she was able to find my heartbeat right in the front on mommy's tummy. My heart beats 159 beats per minute, which the doctor says is very strong. Some of mommy's friends think I am a girl, but daddy is hoping I am a boy. Soon, mommy and daddy will know if I am a boy or girl. They go back Feb. 3rd and they will get to see me moving around again and even get to take home pictures of me. That is the day they will know for sure whether I am a boy or girl. I can tell mommy is really getting excited to meet me, she keeps saying that she can't wait until June.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

January 6, 2009

Mommy says that I have been growing for 16 weeks now....I even think she is starting to feel me move around. They get to go to the doctor again and hear my heartbeat next Monday. I was feeling a litte shy the last time they listened to my heartbeat and was hiding all the way at the bottom of her tummy. In less than a month, they will know if I am a boy or girl. I think mommy is really starting to enjoy me now. She is sleeping a lot less and has been eating my favorite food....anything salty. I even think she is starting to exercise again. I know she wasn't feeling very well for the first three months. She didn't eat much and slept so much! This fourth month has been great! I can tell that my daddy has been helping mommy a lot!! He has been cooking mommy and me really yummy food everyday and helps mommy with cleaning the house. My mom really likes to clean, but I can tell that it sometimes makes her feel a little tired. I am also starting to get to know my dog friends Charles and Chloe. I think Charles likes me the best since he lays by mommy's belly every night.